Kelly Barnhart

I came to the food bank to get food. Some people count on it for once a month food. So, I think it’s essential. If I’m working, then no. If I’m not, then it’s obviously difficult and this definitely helps out. I had a job in construction at the beginning of summer, but I finished. It’s been almost a year since I’ve been here and I was actually amazed at how many more people come now compared to last year. I mean, there’s a great need for it, because last year I was a half hour early and I was right here at this what I call a home stretch. This year when I came, I was clear on the other side of the courtyard at that same half hour early. So, there are that many more people coming now than there was last year.
“It’s been almost a year since I’ve been here and I was actually amazed at how many more people come now compared to last year. I mean, there’s a great need for it.”
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