Ruby Nero

My name is Ruby Nero and I live on a fixed income because I’m disabled. After I pay my rent, PG&E and all these different things, I only have like a hundred and something dollars left. So, it has to go for over-the-counter medicine, gas for doctor’s appointments. So, I didn’t have enough money to buy food so I checked in the telephone book, found a food bank, and they told me I could come here. So, that’s the reason I started coming here, because I needed help.
Because I’m on a fixed income and because I’m a diabetic, there are certain foods that you’re required to eat but you just don’t have the money to get that. So when I first found out about the food bank, it was a blessing. And they give you so many different fruits and vegetables. So, it’s a help to me.
So many people have lost their jobs, their homes. People close to me have lost jobs. They’re cutting back. They no longer have the position. If you don’t have a job and you can’t provide, then you see so many families come to the food bank like me and you see so many families living on the street because they have nowhere.
The food bank is so essential to our lives and to the people just because they can write resumes, help you get a job, do mock interviews with you. They can even help you dress for success in a job interview. They have so many programs here to help you.
The food banks and all the people that work here day-after-day, relentless and tireless to help the people that come here, are angels from God and they should just be given kudos and love because they are so precious with their time and with their energy. I just thank God for this food bank and for everyone that works here because we need help.
"After I pay my rent, PG&E, SMUD and all these things I only have $100 left that has to go for over the counter medicine, gas, doctor’s appointments. So I didn’t have enough money to buy food.”
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